Crazy Love - 1 in English Love Stories by Harsha meghnathi books and stories PDF | Crazy Love - 1

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Crazy Love - 1


Ishita was going to her home riding her scooty in her own tune. Now she had gone only 3 km away from school. Her route was about 50 km. Route was straight ahead but on the way there was another road on the right side. Ishita had never seen any one on that path till now. But she also knew going there was very dangerous.

Actually that path led to a luxurious palace and not only that palace but also the owner of land in many nearby villages was Kuldeep Singh Rathore. People of about 40 nearby villages considered him as their God. Everyone respected him so much that even if his car passed by, they would lower their heads. Because of his fear no one was on that path that's why Ishita's scooty was going very fast.

Then suddenly on the road where there was a road towards the palace she saw some people who were waving their hands at her and signaling her to stop. She breaks her scooty hard. Due to which her scooty wobbled and fell.

Ishita also got hurt in her leg. She said,'why did you stop me so suddenly?'

There are two men. They said that our younger command "Hukum" had asked to stop you. Ishita was still sitting on the ground holding her leg.

Before She can say anything to both of them, a luxurious car comes and stops there. The door of the car is open and Vishwajeet gets down from the car. Seeing his personality, Ishita stares at him. She forgets that she is sitting and holding her leg on the ground. Vishwajeet wakes her up from her dreams and says, oh madam, where are you?

Hearing this, Ishita regains consciousness and says angrily, why did you stop me so suddenly?

So Vishwajeet narrows his eyes and says a little angrily, what did you say? Ishita says with a little fake smile, "Sir, I was talking to both of them, does anyone stop like this suddenly?"

Then vishwajeet lifts Ishita by giving his hand and tells her that I had asked them to stop you here.

But Ishita held Vishwajeet's hand and got lost in Deep eyes again.

At that time Vishwajeet was staring at Ishita. Ishita was also beautiful 😍, She was no less than any Apsara.

Both of them first meet at a school function. When both of them saw each other they just kept looking at each other. Both of them started feeling a different attraction towards each other. Later Vishwajeet used to visit Ishita's school many times. He also tried to be a friend of Ishita. But when Ishita comes to know that vishwajit was the son of Kuldeep Singh Rathore she thought it best to keep distance from him.

Everyone used to call Vishwajeet as "Hukum" but Vishvajit had told Ishita that you will call me sir only. From then Ishita started calling him sir.

Ishita comes to her senses and releases her hand and asks 'sir why did you stop me?'

Vishwajit gave a card and said that' I am going to get married tonight. I want to invite you' Ishita was shocked to hear this she asked in a surprising tone what! marriage!

Ishita became a little sad after hearing this but she did not let this show on her face at all and said 'but I have not told this at home, otherwise I would have definitely come.'

Vishwajeet said okay even if you don't attend marriage you have to come with me at this time for tea. By the way your scooter is broken from the front, come to our house till my man get your scooter repaired then you can go if you want.

Ishita was hesitant to go home, so she replied no… no… don't bother,today is your wedding so you have a lot of work to do, I will stay here,till the scooty gets repaired.

Saying this,as soon as Ishita stepped a little and tried to walk, She kept falling and a painful sound came out of her mouth,'ouch'...then she came to know that she had got more injured in her leg that she could not walk properly.

Seeing this, Vishwajit comes towards Ishita and picks her up in his lap and makes her sit in his car.

Ishita gets irritated by his behavior and says what are you doing sir?

Vishwajit replied ' oh come on Ishita you are injured.' And anyway, there is a wedding at home and there are many guests. So don't worry, I won't eat you. Vishwajit smiles saying this.

Then Vishwajeet signs something to Gopal and tells him to go and repair Ishitaji's scooty and bring it back.

Now Ishita had no other choice, She had to go to Vishwajeet 's home. She says uncomfortably' sir there is a purse in my scooty.Please give it to me, I have to call home that I will be late today, otherwise my family will get tense.

Gopal had already understood Vishwajeet's signaling, he took out her purse from the scooter, took out her phone from it, placed it on the ground and broke it.

Later, after keeping the mobile in the purse,he gave it to ishita.

Ishita immediately took out the phone from her purse. But after seeing the condition of phone,

she became very sad and said,'oh no my phone is also broken.'

She said this to vishwajeet and asked for a phone with hesitation,'sir will you give me your phone, I want to call home.

Vishwajit starts driving towards his home and says that I will give you my phone after reaching home.

Ishita felt very strange after hearing this answer,but she didn't have the courage to ask anything further.